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Salt Lines: Exploring Climate, Environment, and the Saline Influx by Hylozoic/Desires at Southern Utah Museum of Art

Click to see the making of Piscean Premonition

In Bog Bodies Holly Birtles and Charly Blackburn interrogate the complexities of wetland mysteries in the Thames Estuary and the Fenland Marshes exploring life, death, and metamorphosis through ceramics and photography.

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"The raw material of clay is abundant and richly varied across the globe. The surviving archaeological record shows clay being formed into objects such as figurines, vessels, and architecture, from as far back as 30,000 years ago. As such, it has and continues to play a crucial role within the ceremonies and routines of our birth, life and death cycles, whether domestic or ritual customs and its ubiquity within our own lives across time and geography makes it a material easy to take for granted." 

of the earth - Messums Gallery, Wiltshire 2024


Body of Light ceramics exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago & Greatorex St, London in collaboration with Himali Singh Soin.

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The average life expectancy of the human body is 72 years.

The earth has existed for 4.5 billion years.

Seismic Mother is an exhibition that captures the work of 20 artists whose work attempts to communicate the seemingly incomprehensible nature of the earth’s magnitude and magnificence, temerity and resilience as it endures, regenerates and struggles to survive through the slow violence of ecological catastrophe.

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EARTH EATERS is an alternative name for the condition Geophagia - the practice in humans and animals of eating earth or more specifically the clay and mineral content within it. It is part of a larger eating disorder called Pica - the consumption of non nutritive substances such as clay, starch, ice and chalk.

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Earth Eaters - Hoxton, London 2020

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